"What I looked for was common scientific methods that were applicable, not just in one field, but in many fields," Samuelson said. "What was important in my mind was that this should not be pure ...
Paul Krugman, Franco Modigliani, Robert Merton and Joseph Stiglitz. When, in 1970, Samuelson became the first American to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in economics the Swedish Royal Academy said ...
1949) was granted Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2016 together with Oliver Hart (b. 1948) for their work on contract theory. Holmström received his MA at the ...
If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas"—Paul Samuelson, Nobel Prize-winning economist. This widely-quoted line of the 1970 economics Nobel Laureate has been used in various market ...