In the chilly morning fog, Hanep Gachi harvests date palm sap to make jaggery, a family tradition in Choyghoria village. The process, involving patience and teamwork, results in sweet jaggery, ...
Tired of coughing and sneezing uncontrollably Rest assured including palm jaggery in your diet will do wonders!
The darker the colour, the stronger the flavour. Jaggery from the date palm tree is a winter specialty and quite rare. It is prized in the regions it is found and used to sweeten sweets.
The juice is heated and stirred for around two and half hours on small and large stoves on the courtyards of the households ...
Jaggery is derived primarily from sugarcane or less commonly, palm sap. Unlike refined sugar, it retains molasses, a nutrient-rich byproduct of sugar production. Traditionally, jaggery is made ...