The collection of theatrical action-adventure mystery films starring Nicolas Cage as Benjamin Gates, a treasure hunter who, with the help of his father, Patrick Henry Gates (Jon Voight), his ...
Now, another treasure hunter named Mitch Wilkinson (Ed Harris) has found what is a missing page of the diary of John Wilkes Booth, which contains clues to the location of a lost city of gold ...
The collection of theatrical action-adventure mystery films starring Nicolas Cage as Benjamin Gates, a treasure hunter who, with the help of his father, Patrick Henry Gates (Jon Voight), his ...
Nicolas Cage and the original movie's cast will return for National Treasure 3, the film's director confidently declares. A surprise hit in 2003, grossing $347 million on a budget of $100 million ...
While Edge of History did feature connections to the movies and saw some of the original cast members reprising ... Global Box Office Earnings National Treasure (2004) $100 million $347.5 million ...