Guilty pleasure or genius misfits or mavericks noble or naff how do we really feel about the Bee Gees Are the brothers Gibb a cacophony of falsettos or songwriting maestros the soundtrack to every ...
Scott was actually going to direct Bee Gees members Barry, Robin, and Maurice Gibb in a medieval movie titled Castle Accident during the '70s. However, the project wasn't able to move forward.
Romance is in the air as some Valentine's Day films are releasing this weekend. If you're feeling nostalgic, then the IMAX releases may be to your liking. Love Hurts is a fun action film starring ...
There are no showtimes for The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart. You can stream it or buy it on digital platforms below.
She tells the story of the project here: "From my earliest recollection, The Bee Gees were part of my teenage music lexicon. The Saturday Night Fever movie soundtrack was not lost on me ...