快科技11月12日消息,近日,微软Edge浏览器的新标签页上的“Microsoft Start”标识已被更换为MSN标志性“蝴蝶”Logo。 这也意味着微软将重启历史悠久的 ...
Microsoft's web portal MSN is back almost thirty years after its launch, and it has a nostalgic logo to mark the occasion. First launched with Windows 95, MSN is being revived to provide Microsoft ...
11 月 12 日消息,微软近日重启了旗下的 MSN 门户网站,并重新设计了 MSN 的Logo,相比此前的黑白版,字体粗细也进行了调整,整体视觉上更具有活力。
What you need to know Microsoft is revitalizing the MSN brand with a fresh new logo as it replaces "Microsoft Start" branding in Edge. In a statement to Windows Central, Microsoft has confirmed ...