Why don’t you write a list of your friends’ names and see ... Decoding is working out how to pronounce new words. Inspector Wordsmart likes to investigate words. And when she comes across ...
How do you pronounce the word mischievous? If you think it’s ... So on the latest episode of The List Show, Mental Floss editor-in-chief and host Erin McCarthy is covering some of the English ...
Why don’t you write a list of your friends’ names and see ... Decoding is working out how to pronounce new words. Inspector Wordsmart likes to investigate words. And when she comes across ...
One Reddit user opened up this can of worms, and after more than 5,000 submissions, the Reddit community came up with this list of “10 most difficult English words to pronounce”: If we expand ...
While some people are lucky enough to learn another language fairly quickly, they might still struggle with pronunciation.