Between the rumored iPhone 17 Slim and expected iPhone SE 4, there's a chance we could see more than Apple's routine batch of ...
The latest details on Apple’s mid-range challenge to the Google Pixel 8a reveal some big upgrades for 2025's iPhone SE.
Apple will have an all-new iPhone with radically different design, it’s thought. And a new element of what it will look like ...
根据 Macrumors 最新报导指出,预计于 2025 年登场的 Apple iPhone 17 将迎来多达 8 大新变革。 首先,iPhone 17 Pro 系列机型将改采铝制外壳,有别于 iPhone 15 Pro 与 iPhone 16 ...
After months of speculation, we finally have a rumored size for the iPhone 17 Air: The phone might be as thin as the iPad ...
若消息属实,Apple Watch Ultra将成为首款具备卫星通信功能的主流智能手表。媒体还称,Apple Watch的血压监测功能最快明年上线;Apple Watch将首次使用联发科开发的调制解调器,减少对英特尔产品的依赖。
Apple finally offered third-party developers access to its Near-Field Communication (NFC) technology. Not only are iPhone ...
提到Apple Vision Pro的销售状况,许多报道或是分析会以差强人意来形容,自从Apple Vision ...
A Norwegian payment app called Vipps is the first service to take advantage of a new, more open iOS ecosystem thanks to EU ...
快科技12月11日消息,苹果权威爆料者Mark Gurman最新透露,苹果下一代Apple Watch Ultra将支持卫星连接功能。据悉,苹果在2022年紧随华为Mate50系列,推出了支持卫星通信的iPhone 14系列,随后成为iPhone标配 ...
IT之家 12 月 9 日消息,据 Macrumors 消息,挪威支付服务商 Vipps 现已成为全球首家在 iPhone 上推出与 Apple Pay 竞争的触碰支付方案的公司。这是苹果与欧洲监管机构达成协议后, NFC 技术首次对第三方开放 。