值得一提的是,在京东12.12购App Store充值卡至高优惠10%,原价200元到手价仅需189元,原价500元充值卡预估到手价更是低至472元;iCloud 领券立减6元,相当于免费白送一个月的服务时长,让消费者尽享云端存储的便捷与安心。
Apple’s bad week has suddenly gotten worse. Just a few days after the FBI warned iPhone users to stop texting Android users, ...
Apple’s 2025 iPhone SE is more than a mid-range device—it’s the key to unlocking Apple’s next big tech leap. What’s behind ...
The first Apple modem is rumored to come to the iPhone SE before appearing in the rumored iPhone “Slim” and entry-level iPads ...
根据 Macrumors 最新报导指出,预计于 2025 年登场的 Apple iPhone 17 将迎来多达 8 大新变革。 首先,iPhone 17 Pro 系列机型将改采铝制外壳,有别于 iPhone 15 Pro 与 iPhone 16 ...
Rumors continue to swirl that Apple will launch a new iPhone 17 Slim in 2025. Why does Apple think anyone wants it?
2024年12月07日 13:36中关村在线 ...
苹果iPhone 16系列已经发布了一段时间,虽然该机型还在热销中,但很多科技爱好者们已经开始关注iPhone 17系列的消息了。现在,网上曝出了关于iPhone 17 Pro Max传闻的消息,据多放消息透露,iPhone 17 Pro ...
Apple's next-generation iPhone 17 lineup may bring some of the most significant display improvements we've seen in recent ...
The new modem chips are first expected in the Spring of 2025 as part of the updated iPhone SE, followed by an unnamed ...