Anaconda (2015) directed by A. B. Stone and being a crossover with the Anaconda series, and Lake Placid: Legacy (2018) directed by Darrell Roodt. Each installment revolves around the presence of ...
Anaconda (2015) directed by A. B. Stone and being a crossover with the Anaconda series, and Lake Placid: Legacy (2018) directed by Darrell Roodt. Each installment revolves around the presence of ...
Anaconda (2015) directed by A. B. Stone and being a crossover with the Anaconda series, and Lake Placid: Legacy (2018) directed by Darrell Roodt. Each installment revolves around the presence of ...
Anaconda (2015) directed by A. B. Stone and being a crossover with the Anaconda series, and Lake Placid: Legacy (2018) directed by Darrell Roodt. Each installment revolves around the presence of ...
Long Island-based production company Gemelli Films and Content Rocket are set to begin shooting "A Jar Full of ... said Lake Placid is the perfect backdrop for her movie. "Lake Placid is a ...
I have a soft spot for Steve Miner’s 1999 giant crocodile caper Lake Placid. Much like its monster movie rivals of that year, The Mummy and Deep Blue Sea, it’s endearingly cheesy at times ...