The LHC has recently started its third running period after a three-year long shutdown. In this period, one of the four major experiments, LHCb, has been upgraded with new detectors and a new readout ...
The collaboration has constructed, installed and started operating its second generation detector, the LHCb Upgrade I, at a hardware cost of £60M. Critical elements of this new detector - modules of ...
In two new articles posted to the arXiv preprint server, the LHCb collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) reports seeing evidence of CP violation in decays of baryons and in decays of ...
Researching and developing new solid-state and other particle detector technologies for use in future particle physics experiments ... Working on matter and antimatter asymmetry and rare quark decays ...
Harry Cliff a particle physicist at the University of Cambridge, UK. He works on the LHCb experiment, a huge particle detector buried 100 metres underground at CERN near Geneva, where he is part ...