1 Corinthians 10:16 As Christians we are saved (i.e. prepared for heaven) through faith by grace - the free gift of God's life earned by Jesus Christ on the wood of the Cross (Eph 2:8-10 ...
One of these days your photo will appear in the obituary section of the newspaper. “You do not even know what will happen ...
In a few days, Christians will begin practicing the 40-day season of prayer, fasting and giving, known as Lent. The period is ...
As a devotion, the stations allow us to take our loved ones to the cross and ask for their conversion (along with our own).
New York City Mayor Eric Adams compared calls for his resignation to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ during a Black History ...
Jesus told His apostles concerning the great confession that Peter made that Jesus was the Christ the Son of God, “And I also ...
Many around the world use the season of Lent to prepare specific homemade delicacies to remind them of the life of Jesus ...
In Luke 14:27, Jesus says, “Whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.” This verse emphasizes the absolute necessity of carrying the cross in the life of a true disciple.
Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice’s classic rock musical gets a thrilling steampunk makeover that at times overwhelms the ...
While Jesus Christ Superstar is seen by most as a souped ... s audience cheered at the exact moment of Jesus’ death on the cross. It’s a WTF moment that makes for very interesting theatre.