Place the magnet on top of the paper in view of the document camera or overhead projector. Place the Plexiglas platform on top. If using the iron filings, remove paper underneath the shaker cap. Place ...
The solenoids serve double duty — first, they move pieces of flat “fridge magnet” material close enough to attract iron filings. Their second duty is of course provide a clock tick that will ...
much the same way iron filings can reveal the magnetic field around a magnet. The team thinks that the measured three-dimensional structure might create strong turbulence withing the ...
A 1/2 inch diameter cylindrical magnet works well. Iron Filings: Available from: Science supply stores like Home Science Tools, Carolina Biological, or Educational Innovations Some craft stores in ...
much the same way iron filings can reveal the magnetic field around a magnet. The team thinks that the measured three-dimensional structure might create strong turbulence within the protoplanetary ...