Check out these other science facts you never learned in school. While Perseverance is learning more about our nearest ...
Sound as we know it does not exist in space. That’s because, on Earth, sound mainly travels to our ears via vibrating air molecules. Because space is a vacuum, meaning there is no matter at all ...
American NASA astronaut Vance D Brand disposes of empty food containers and dry trash in jettison bag and stows bag in middeck volume under MA73C control panel during Space Shuttle mission STS-5, 16th ...
In search of some interesting facts for younger ones? Teach them that a pelican can hold up to three gallons of water in its mouth, or that M&M'S were the first candy eaten in space. No matter ...
Scientists are just starting to understand the tardigrade. It can survive boiling water, outer space, and extreme radiation. Following is a transcript of the video. This funny looking little guy ...
We've picked out a mix of fun fiction as well as books packed with space facts, suitable for children aged from 2 to 6 plus. Settle down for some exciting adventures in this galaxy and those far, far ...