The mysterious and awe-inspiring walk, near Quebec City, is Onhwa’ Lumina,an Indigenous tourism offering by Wendake Tourism, ...
As the climate warmed and the glacier retreated, the spruce forest became boreal and the Huron, then known as the Wendat, adapted to the changing landscape. They began farming around AD 800 and as ...
just born), and with new lyrics written by Wendat poet Andrée Levesque Sioui, the re-imagined "Huron Carol" tells the nativity story from a Wendat perspective. "I cried like a baby," said ...
Under its Wendat name, Iesous ahatonnia' (Jesus, he is newly made, just born), and with new lyrics written by Wendat poet Andrée Levesque Sioui, the re-imagined "Huron Carol" tells the nativity story ...