The dahlia is a magnificent flowering plant to have in the garden, giving us endless flowers from later summer to the first frosts of autumn. I enjoy growing them and tending to them throughout the ...
Dahlias originate from Mexico and are frost tender. Therefore, they’ll need to be kept in either a frost-free greenhouse or ...
They're tender plants so can't be planted out until the danger of frost has passed in late spring, but on light soil their tubers can be left in the ground to flower year after year in late summer and ...
Above all else, dahlias are susceptible to tuber rot if they're left to sit in wet soil. Sarah says that in tuber form, ...
You need to wait until your dahlia plants have at least three pairs of leaves coming off the central stem before starting to pinch out the growing tips. This will have given your dahlia enough ...
If you lack a green thumb or the time to dedicate to dinner plate dahlia care, these might not be the plants for you. They require particular soil conditions, regular and careful watering ...
Dahlias come in various colors, shapes and sizes making them easy to include in any garden, container and bouquet. Grow them ...
The sun-loving plants also tolerated heat and humidity well in the trials. (Bred by Takii Europe) Dahlia Black Forest Ruby ...
New plants can be expensive and it's easy to grow your own from cuttings. All you need to do is trick the dahlia tuber into making new shoots in late winter. These can be snipped off and are so ...
Like most gardeners, I have favorite plants I’ve been growing for years and will continue to grow, like fragrant and tasty ...