An curved arrow pointing right. New York City bagels are so renowned that people on the West Coast are willing to stand in line for two hours in the rain to get a taste of day-old versions of ...
There were challenges. It's not easy to make a good, authentic New York-style bagel, which is typically described as chewy with a crispy crust that is boiled in water with barley malt and then baked.
“These are the bagels I grew up with.” Authentic New York bagels in Kansas — sounds crazy, no? Actually, it’s meshuggah — Yiddish for “crazy” — as in Meshuggah Bagels, Kansas City ...
Boiled then baked, resistant to the bite then addictively chewy, sourcing an authentic bagel ... Something unexpected that I make is ... Randomly we fried some raw bagel dough and made the ...