With “hematite” iron ore discoveries slowing to a trickle, billionaires and others are turning to the once-maligned poor cousin of the iron ore industry “magnetite” that comes with almost biblical ...
The Company also owns the Florália Hematite Iron Ore Project, located 70-km SE of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil's largest iron ore producing State. The Company has added an Australian ...
It is mined from deposits worldwide and primarily consists of hematite and magnetite ores. Iron ore undergoes beneficiation and smelting processes to extract iron metal, which is then alloyed with ...
Max is the operator of the initial stage. The USD $4.2 million 2024 exploration program for the Sierra Azul Project is funded by Freeport. The Company also owns the Florália Hematite Iron Ore Project, ...
v=0-16rRvlLyw The Florália Hematite project is located 70-km east of the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil's largest iron ore and steel producing State. In addition, iron ore buyers li ...