Many people consider their hair to be their crown. It can represent your pride, glory and royal elegance. So when Vivian ...
Over 30 million women experience a widening hair part—where thinning hair occurs and bares the scalp along the partline.
Can you actually reverse female hair loss? Learn what the latest science says about effective treatments and management ...
You found a weight loss method that works for you: the pounds are coming off, your clothes are fitting better and you’re ...
It is not the same as male pattern baldness. If your hair loss occurs in a more regular receding pattern, usually from the temples and crown of the head, then it is more likely you have male ...
Young men in their twenties and maybe even younger are facing male patterned hair loss. But the good news is that it is reversible. Read on. ...
Same goes for a too-tight braid. Wondering if your favorite hairstyle is causing breakage or hair loss? Check for telltale thinning at the crown and temples; broken, frizzy bits at ear and chin ...