the giant robots of Gundam. Four decades after the sci-fi anime series "Mobile Suit Gundam" debuted on Japanese television, plastic models lifted from the saga are as popular as ever. Toymaker ...
The original franchise launched with 1979’s anime series Mobile Suit Gundam, and is considered the pioneer of the giant-robot mecha genre. The series is set in the Universal Century, a future ...
The 18-meter-tall giant was unveiled in December ... The man, a huge Gundam fan since building his first plastic model of the iconic robot in his junior high school days, will also see the final ...
high performance mobile suits found in the sci-fi anime Gundam series), it’s a giant manned robot that walks like a human but makes the ground shake under its weight – and it has taken its ...
YOKOHAMA--Not even the COVID-19 pandemic could stop Gundam, as a full-size and movable replica of the mighty robot hero prepares to make its delayed debut at Yamashita Pier in Yokohama Port.