Directed by Potsy Ponciroli, Greedy People is a hilarious, blood-filled crime film centred on the life of Officer Will Shelley (Himesh Patel) and what happened after he and his pregnant wife Paige ...
They truly believe that they deserve more, even if it means taking away from someone else. use manipulation to their advantage. What are the signs of a greedy person? There are people you can afford ...
Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Himesh Patel play cops in Greedy People, a bonkers crime comedy caper that tries to moonlight as a ...
There comes a time when you cannot be held accountable for your actions and your moral compass goes for a toss. This is that ...
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Greedy People Review: The film is marred a touch by a marked lack of chemistry between the two male actors but that lacuna actually seems intended at times. Greedy People Review: The film is ...
Potsy Ponciroli’s Greedy People is a lot smarter than it outwardly seems. It has the guts to see the suspense thriller ...
The neo-noir treatment of themes like greed, ambition, survival, and grief, along with its dark humour and characters, make ...
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said Monday that he will likely make a decision on who will replace President-elect Trump’s ...