Cavities, or tooth decay, are small holes in the teeth. As a result, there is no natural way to remove them at home. Only a dentist can fix a cavity by filling it in. That said, home care can ...
But what is actually going on in the body when we lose our baby teeth? We have baby teeth because our jaws are tiny when ...
Maintaining a regular brushing routine is essential for good oral hygiene. It helps prevent issues such as tooth decay, bad breath, and gingivitis. Additionally, flossing before brushing is crucial as ...
Ellyce Clonan, a researcher in the School of Dental Medicine, has identified another health problem linked to frequent recreational cannabis (FRC) use: tooth decay and severe tooth loss. An article ...
The North West tops the list for child tooth decay, with one Lancashire borough amongst one of the worst. Official data shows as many as six in 10 children in some areas have rotting teeth by the ...