The sea bass fillet with caramelized fennel and orange sauce is a second course that turns any table into a gourmet ...
Bone structure matters, too. Most fish that will end up on your cutting board will have similar skeletal features, allowing you to fillet them with the steps outlined below. As an example, although a ...
White bass or sandbass as they are called in North Texas is one of the most widely dispersed and often easiest to catch of all the species we anglers target. Did I mention they are also excellent ...
For the sea bass and lettuce, place the sea bass fillets onto a chopping board and, using a sharp knife, score the skin, at 1cm/½in intervals. Heat a frying pan until hot, add the olive oil and ...
Sea bass is available whole and un-gutted, or in prepared fillets (you can ask your fishmonger to gut and fillet the fish for you). The skin is rarely removed. Sea bass is available frozen but is ...