The magnetic field lines of a bar magnet can be viewed by using compasses or by shaking iron filings onto a platform above the magnet. Place the magnet on top of the paper in view of the document ...
The solenoids serve double duty — first, they move pieces of flat “fridge magnet” material close enough to attract iron filings. Their second duty is of course provide a clock tick that will ...
Iron fillings reveal a magnet's magnetic field. You can see a magnet's magnetic field by scattering tiny iron filings around it. The iron filings form a pattern that reveals the lines of the ...
A 1/2 inch diameter cylindrical magnet works well. Iron Filings: Available from: Science supply stores like Home Science Tools, Carolina Biological, or Educational Innovations Some craft stores in ...
The method chosen depends upon the type of mixture. A mixture of iron filings and sand can easily be separated using a magnet. The iron filings are attracted to the magnet, but the sand is not.