The evolution of marine mammals has reached a fascinating, and somewhat irreversible, point. Dolphins and orcas, once ...
21, 2025 — Juvenile dolphins were found to have specialized receptors for fatty acids on their tongues, offering new insights into their growth and feeding ... Study Reveals Right Whales Live ...
Though they have a fishlike body, cetaceans (a group comprised of whales, dolphins, and porpoises ... including the reduction of hindlimbs and the evolution of flippers and tail flukes, resulting ...
Overview of The Dolphin and Porpoise   Dolphins, porpoises, and ‘whales’ are all Cetaceans. I recently learned that Cetacea comes from the Greek word, ketos (huge fish), as well as the Latin word, ...
Very often, whales do not survive a stranding. This species of dolphin can grow up to 8 meters long, weigh up to 4000 kg and live to be 50 to 90 years old. They resemble orcas, which is why they ...
Despite humans and whales being separated by millions of years of evolution, our vocalizations follow the same principle ...
Dolphins swim past heavy industry at Port Adelaide. Photo courtesy Mike Bossley (Whale & Dolphin Conservation).Marine scientists are calling for more ...
Jan. 31, 2022 — In late March 2019, researchers performing annual whale and dolphin research surveys discovered the first ever record of killer whales hunting and killing an adult blue whale ...
"That's likely to be the course of action for all 90." They appeared to be members of a large dolphin species known as false killer whales, officials said, named for the orca-like shape of their ...