Set in a defunct insane asylum known as 'Eloise,' four friends break into the abandoned institution in hopes of finding a death certificate, which will grant one of them the rights to a sizable ...
To top it off, Penelope had a falling out with her best friend Eloise Bridgerton (Claudia Jessie), after the former realized Penelope was the town gossip, Lady Whistledown. Start the day smarter.
When I was around Eloise's age, my dad took me on a trip to explore New York City and see the sights. But what captivated me the most was watching yellow cabs out of the hotel window. Featuring a ...
After some time spent exchanging letters, Sir Phillip proposes that Eloise visit his estate to see if they might be suitable for marriage. He does so on the assumption “that she’d be homely ...
Even Eloise understands: It’s an Alaïa! Sofia Richie shared some fashionable advice that kept her 7-month-old daughter Eloise amused: a pricey pair of shoes. The model, 26, posted a photo of ...