Beginning around 2.5 million years ago, Earth entered an era marked by successive ice ages and interglacial periods, emerging ...
Billions of years ago, the molecular building blocks of life emerged from a complex web of chemical and geological processes. This transformation laid the foundation for biological systems, ...
The Earth's next ice age is expected to begin in about 11,000 years -- unless human-caused global warming disrupts natural cycles.
To simulate early Earth, the team subjected chemical mixtures to repeated wet-dry cycles. Rather than reacting randomly, the molecules organized themselves, evolved over time, and followed ...
Paleoclimate and archaeological evidence tells us that, 11,000-5,000 years ago, the Earth's slow orbital 'wobble' transformed today's Sahara desert to a land covered with vegetation and lakes.
You might think that weather and climate ... A volcano is an opening in the Earth’s crust that allows magma, hot ash and gases to escape. The water cycle works by using the energy of the Sun ...