AN ICONIC silhouette on a 50p coin makes it worth considerably more than its face value – but most people wouldn’t even ...
AN 'EXTREMELY rare' Sherlock Holmes 50p coin is being sold for a huge fee by a resident in Worcester. The coin - which has a ...
Sherlock Holmes and Batman are iconic detectives with different approaches to solving crimes and different locales for their cases. Sherlock Holmes primarily solves European cases using inductive ...
Sherlock Holmes was created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for his 1887 novel A Study in Scarlet and went on to be a British institution and the ultimate fictional detective. Sherlock modernized the ...
Meet the Holmeses: Sherlock ... author Nancy Springer's The Enola Holmes Mysteries, is a plucky 16-year-old girl whose blood relation to Doyle's famous detective is a footnote in her own adventure ...