BBC One's SAS Rogue Heroes has returned, with Paddy Mayne (portrayed by Jack O'Connell) assuming command of the regiment after David Stirling's (played by Connor Swindells) capture. In Sicily ...
David Stirling, the Scot known as the founder of the SAS, was not what you would expect of a military hero. When he arrived in Cairo in 1941, the 25-year-old lacked the most basic discipline ...
SAS Rogue Heroes has returned to BBC One, with Paddy Mayne (portrayed by Jack O'Connell) assuming command of the regiment after David Stirling's (played by Connor Swindells) capture. In Sicily ...
SAS Rogue Heroes has returned to BBC One, with Paddy Mayne (portrayed by Jack O'Connell) assuming command of the regiment following the capture of David Stirling (played by Connor Swindells).