Based on the manga by Yukinobu Tatsu, Dandadan follows Momo and Okarun, two teenagers who slowly become friends at school due to their joint love of the occult and extraterrestrial. Momo is a ...
Dandadan‘s upcoming 11th episode is about to heat up, as the hit anime has just introduced a new rival for Okarun. The end of Episode 10 introduced non-manga readers to Jin “Jiji” Enjoji, a ...
Dandadan is filled with characters who have a penchant for trouble. And while many of the characters are hearty and full of life, many are facing some type of problem in their lives, contrary to ...
The following contains spoilers for Dandadan Season 1, Episode 7, "To a Kinder World," streaming now on Crunchyroll. Fans received Dandadan warmly and with raucous laughter since the day it aired.
The Dandadan anime series has hit a major milestone as the anime became a winner of the Best Anime of the Year award at the Abema Awards 2024. The series has built a reputation as having ...
Dandadan Episode 7, titled To A Kinder World, begins as Acrobatic Silky, enraged from losing Aira Shiratori, relentlessly pursues Momo Ayase and Okarun. She is using her hair as a weapon.
It’s absurd, audacious, and maddeningly brilliant, begging the question: how on earth does Dandadan not fall apart? It begins, unassumingly enough, with Momo Ayase, a high schooler whose belief ...
Dandadan, Dandadan, Dandadan, Dandadan, Dandadan. Even before it got its anime adaptation, the title of one of this year’s best shows feels like it was destined to be turned into rhythm.
The Dandadan anime is currently one of the most popular anime on the planet due to its rather eccentric and deeply intriguing story involving both Yokai and aliens. While the anime itself ...
Monday, December 16, 2024, saw the results of the first official character poll for the Dandadan manga series be revealed alongside the release of the manga’s latest chapter. Results are covered ...
Dandadan is nearing its conclusion with Episode 11, the penultimate episode of the Science Saru show, set to release this week. The upcoming episode teases the introduction of a new character who ...