Like its close relatives, the squid and octopus, the cuttlefish is equipped with an ink sac that can help it make a last-ditch escape from predators that hunt by sight. The cuttlefish can eject ...
To prepare the squid ink risotto, first ensure that ... In a saucepan, pour the oil and a clove of garlic with its skin. Let it infuse, then add the cuttlefish pieces (4) and stir well.
First prepare the cuttlefish (or squid – they are done pretty much in the same way). If whole, and uncleaned, do this in the sink as the black ink can make the whole process very messy.
Cuttlefish is quite difficult to buy as many fishmongers think it too inky and messy to bother with. You will need to be pre-order it unless you have access to a fish market. It’s available most ...