As always, your academic advisor will be able to give more specific and detailed information regarding academic standing and GPA predictions. Curious about your projected cumulative GPA? Scroll down ...
However, while grades from Summer and Winter classes can't immediately remove students from (or place them on) Academic Notice status, these grades DO affect their cumulative GPA. In combination with ...
A grade of F is considered a failing grade, and the units will not be counted toward graduation requirements. There are no grades of D (+ or -) in the Leavey School of Business. If an MBA student has ...
Only students with a cumulative UB GPA below 2.000 will have a QPD. The QPD represents the amount of effort needed to raise the GPA to a 2.000. Total Units Taken and Total Grade Points are both ...
Under grade replacement, the grade you earned in the most recent prior attempt of a course will still appear on your transcript, but it will be replaced in your cumulative GPA and credit totals with ...
The average of all grades earned by a student as outlined below is termed the cumulative grade point average. It is used for determining activity, eligibility, honors, probation, suspension, ...
A student is considered to be in good academic standing when their most recent cumulative CU GPA is 2.000 or higher. A status of “good academic standing” is not recorded on the academic transcript.