SPOKANE, Wash. -- Eastern Washington's only ... the organization that runs the Crosswalk shelter. "It's also co-located with Chas. We partnered with Chas to build a clinic right on the space." ...
Homelessness is a harsh reality for many, including teens who find themselves on the streets. For some, like those at Crosswalk, a shelter dedicated to homeless teens, ...
The City of Spokane is inviting residents to share their opinions on how to allocate federal grant funds aimed at enhancing safety and mobility around the city ...
it is disturbing to see the hate taking place in Spokane.” In response, the company has implemented a “no-go zone” over the ...
Spokane Public Schools students are set to ... violations to $145 for a motorist failing to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk. SPD also wants to remind drivers about these five traffic ...