Corn-for-ethanol use totaled 443.6 million bu. in January, according to USDA, topping traders’ expectations of 436.8 million bushels. Ethanol use increased 18.3 million bu. (4.3%) from December ...
Of note: USDA increased its December corn-for-ethanol usage figure by 6.5 million bushels. Given the historically high ...
CmdtyView’s national average Cash Corn price is down 1 1/4 cents at $4.46 3/4. The Wednesday morning EIA report indicated ethanol production down just 3,000 barrels per day in the week that ...
Corn price action on Wednesday was lower ... pros and rookies alike The Wednesday morning EIA report indicated ethanol production down just 3,000 barrels per day in the week that ended on ...
There also was no danger of hazardous materials, he said. "Two tankers leaking, one is identified as corn syrup and the other as alcohol," Stevens wrote. "We have a sniffer drone going over the ...