Description: Introduction to music notation, meter and rhythm, scales, intervals, triads, seventh chords, fundamentals of harmonic expression, voice leading, aural skills and composition. For ...
theory courses provide a solid foundation for musical experiences at the University of Delaware and beyond. Students in this major have been accepted to prestigious graduate programs in music theory ...
See the Undergraduate Catalog for a complete list of courses. Check PATH or the Dynamic Schedule for courses scheduled in upcoming semesters. Music 201, Tonal Theory I, is a requirement for both the ...
Courses in Music Theory provide students with a set of portable tools that they can use in the various musical situations in which they might find themselves. These classes expose students to a broad ...
In 1989, the college became one of seven regional centers for the Thesarus Musicarum Latinarum, a nationwide project to put early music theory texts online, including printed editions and manuscript ...
Learn more about Connections, Connecticut College's innovative new curriculum. An introduction to making music with computers. This course investigates the many ways of using the computer as a tool to ...