Left: A close-up of a crack in the volcanic surface of a cooled lava flow from the crater of Mt. St. Helens.
Data collected by Orbiter V when it landed on the Moon in 1967 provide information about the history of the crater Tycho. Volcanic eruptions seem to have been involved in the crater's development.
But even without these lofty nicknames, the crater is a stunning a sight. Formed 2.5 million years ago after an extinct volcano collapsed ... including close to 70 lions - the highest density ...
Across an expanse of the Nevada desert, in the center of the state, lies a volcanic crater reaching ... below the Taurus Mountains and close to the Littrow Crater, on the near side of the moon.
On June 14, 1914, three men climbed Lassen Peak to see why a seemingly dormant volcano had started rumbling 16 days before. Now, peering into a newborn crater ... Heavy snows close most of ...