In the late 19th century, Claude Monet created an astonishing series of haystack paintings, which are now among the Impressionist artist’s most recognizable works. Later this month, one of those ...
A Claude Monet painting from his celebrated “Meules” (Haystacks) series drew US$110.7 million in New York on Tuesday in an auction record for the French Impressionist master.
A painting by Claude Monet has been bought for $ ... Sotheby's did not name the new owner. Monet's Haystacks series had 25 paintings, the majority of which hang in art galleries around the world.
Grainstack in Sunshine, 1891; Haystack, Morning Snow Effect, 1891; Wheatstacks (Sunset, Snow Effect) 1890-91; Grainstack (Sunset) 1891. In Monet's Haystacks, Josh Rosen on piano and John Voigt on ...
A Claude Monet painting just sold for $110.7 million at a Sotheby's auction, according to CNN. The 1890 painting from Monet's "Haystacks" series broke the record for the most expensive ...
The exhibition Spring: A Celebration of the Year of the Snake from Tuesday to March 2 will feature 13 objects selected from ...