The main churches in Germany have voiced clear political opinions ahead of elections. Not all are pleased, including parties ...
BERLIN (JTA ... this sculpture is hanging on the facade of our church,” he said. Block is talking with the Central Council of Jews in Germany about the design of a new plaque.
The main churches in Germany have voiced clear political opinions ... meaning that their word carries weight in Berlin. But their warning was heeded neither by the conservative CDU/CSU bloc ...
A church in Berlin, Germany, took advantage of the hysteria surrounding the release of the latest "Star Wars" film to get more people to come to church. During the weekend in which "The Force ...
In late December 2005, an Orthodox Conference of the Diocese of Berlin and Germany of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia was held. Sergei Chapnin, Editor-in-Chief of Tserkovnij Vestnik ...
Delegates for Germany’s main Churches in Berlin condemned a bill to limit immigration brought forward in the Bundestag by the opposition Christian Democratic Union (CDU), which eventually failed ...