GoldenEye In a move straight out of a Bond film, China seems to be building a massive laser-fired nuclear facility in ...
China’s Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) has set a new world record maintaining steady-state ...
In a groundbreaking achievement, China's Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), often referred to as the ...
China has achieved a major milestone in the quest for practical commercial fusion power. The Experimental Advanced ...
China’s "artificial sun" EAST fusion reactor smashed the previous record for sustained plasma, advancing nuclear fusion ...
A sign of how serious Beijing is taking this new energy arms race emerged last week when the Chinese Academy of Sciences ...
Satellite images reveal China is building a massive laser fusion facility, which can be used in nuclear weapons research as ...
Since starting operation in 2006, EAST has been an open test platform for Chinese and international scientists to conduct ...
The promise of fusion energy is alluring. If, and when, it comes through, other sources of alternative clean energy, like ...
Scientists just set a new record in attempts to create an 'artificial Sun' down here on planet Earth. The team behind the ...
Chinese researchers set a new record by sustaining a nuclear fusion reaction at 100 million degrees Celsius for 1,066 seconds ...