The announcement comes as the Trump Administration has thrown emerging climate-related tech like direct air capture into flux ...
Rising CO2 levels are making tropical trees more efficient at photosynthesis. Learn what this means for climate change.
A team at Stanford has developed a powerful yet low-energy way to trap atmospheric CO2 using heated minerals. By enhancing ...
One proposal is to force big polluters to help clean up the CO2 they’ve emitted to boost the takeup and financing of carbon ...
Explore the fascinating evolution of Mars atmosphere. Discover how it transformed, becoming trapped in its crust's clay ...
Scientists at Stanford University developed carbon capture technique they say is more practical and cost-effective ...
The novel carbon removal method builds on a natural process known as weathering, where common minerals called silicates react with water and atmospheric CO2 to form solid carbonate minerals over ...
The ocean water in the Pacific Northwest is more vulnerable to rapid acidification, where the carbon dioxide levels are ...
Occidental, the oil giant that has tried to fashion itself as a climate tech leader, is being real clear now about capturing ...
Stanford scientists have discovered how to turn common minerals into materials that spontaneously remove and store carbon ...
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is giving the state of West Virginia the authority to approve projects that will ...