Breech presentation occurs when a baby is positioned to be born bottom-first instead of head-first, which is the typical position for delivery. This situation arises in about 3% of pregnancies at ...
Around 3 per cent of all deliveries are breech deliveries, which means that the baby is positioned either buttocks down with legs near the head (frank breech) with legs crossed and near the ...
This is called a breech presentation, and frank breech (bottom first, with feet up near the head) is the most common type.
In the period from 01.01.2001 – to 31.12.2011, 571 of 16794 (3.4%) singleton term pregnancies were breech presentations at Sorlandet Hospital Kristiansand (Figure 1). Three cases were excluded ...
This is important because breech presentations can lead to complications during childbirth, often resulting in a higher likelihood of cesarean sections. Recent research has focused on improving ...