A breath sample provides enough information for ... Shimadzu has already developed a method for testing for COVID-19 using saliva rather than swabbing a patient.
A new procedure, exhaled breath vapor (EBV) collection, involving the active sampling and preconcentration of a breath sample with a SPME fiber fitted inside a modified commercial breath ...
Breath testing with the Gastro +TM for gastrointestinal disorders is clinically proven and is being used by many health professionals already, it's simple, non-invasive, and low cost. The Gastro ...
The total exhaled breath was collected. In the second sampling procedure (Fig 1B), subjects were asked to repeat the maneuver. The sampling system was designed considering a dead space volume of ...
From a single breath manoeuvre, measurements are instantly displayed on the large, easy to read touch screen display. The LactoFAN2 is a powerful diagnostic tool for measuring expired Hydrogen ...