“Older adults who drink do so more frequently than people under 65,” says George F. Koob, PhD, director of the National ...
Binge drinking is a common habit across generations, but this risky behavior is growing in a particular age group.
Consuming eight or more drinks in a short period of time can raise blood alcohol concentration levels, increasing risk of ...
Binge drinking in early adult years fundamentally changes how the brain's neurons communicate, in what scientists equate to a faulty gas pedal in a car that needs more pressure applied to "go." ...
Binge drinking in early adults can lead to long-lasting and potentially permanent dysregulation in the brain, according to a new study in mice, led by researchers at Penn State.
Teenage binge drinking accelerates brain development in unhealthy ways, leading to risky behavior and long-term mental health ...
High-intensity drinking, characterized by consuming 8 or more drinks for women and 10 or more drinks for men in a single ...
Nor is it mainly the pastime of college students. Overall binge drinking rates are now equivalent among young adults and those in midlife. That’s because young people, especially young men ...
High intensity drinking involves consuming double the amount of alcohol that experts consider binge drinking, often to ...
During the holidays, pay attention to your feelings and develop a plan for when you are feeling stressed, sad, or lonely.
The holiday season is kicking in and revellers tend to drink more than usual. Experts have warned against high-intensity ...