A sperm whale stranded on Cuttyhunk Island over the weekend, adding to alarming whale death toll since December. Here's what ...
Military sonar was listed as a serious threat to beaked whales, as it has caused fatal mass strandings in eight species ...
A young humpback whale washed onto a beach in ... The other recent strandings that the WDC has responded to along Massachusetts' South Shore are two humpbacks (in July off Scituate and this ...
Three pilot whales died on Sunday, including one euthanised by volunteers, after a group of 30 whales of a range of ages and ...
Biologists found significant blunt-force trauma on the right side of the head of a 3-year-old whale and suspect it was hit by ...
Mass strandings of Cuvier's beaked whales often result from offshore human activities. Most regularly, due to active sonar used by military forces to locate submarines. Dr Brownlow said ...
Trump highlighted an increase in whales that have washed ashore over the years, blaming wind farms for the jump. Last year proved “unprecedented” for strandings in Massachusetts, but experts ...
Some fourteen sperm whales have died in a mass stranding on a beach in west ... The reason for the stranding is unknown, but whale strandings are not uncommon in Tasmania - experts say the island ...
Within a pod there are multiple generations of pilot whales that are all related to a single female. It has therefore long been thought that mass strandings may be caused by family members trying ...
It is the highest annual total recorded since IWDG was established in 1990, and includes 24 Cuvier's beaked whale strandings. The group said there were a number of possible causes for the increase.
Crews returned Sunday morning to the scene of a whale stranding in the South Island’s Golden Bay. And in a post on social ...