It is a battle that has been raging in the skies for 60 million years. Bats and moths have been up against each other under cover of darkness, fighting for survival in an evolutionary arms race. By ...
They’re actually expendable decoys that trick hungry bats. As the echolocating hunter comes in for the kill, says Barber, the moth’s moving tails distract and fool the bat, knocking its attack ...
Spinning tails on the moths' wingtips scramble bats' echolocation signals to keep the moths from being eaten Explore Subscribe Newsletters Content Licensing Our ...
A fox might have tipped over the rubbish, or a hedgehog could have left a patter of footprints in the mud. But evidence of other creatures, such as moths and bats that leave barely any trace at all, ...
A female Yuma myotis is in flight pursuing a moth. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for ...