On Wednesday, Punjab minister Anmol Gagan Maan told reporters that the firing was "a matter of an internal fight". Police said the bodies of the four soldiers were sent to the Bathinda civil ...
Family meets cabinet minister Anmol Gagan Mann and Rajya Sabha member Vikramjit Sahni The Tribune, now published from Chandigarh, started publication on February 2, 1881, in Lahore (now in Pakistan).
Less than four months after then Cabinet Minister Anmol Gagan Mann accused the Nayagaon Executive Officer and Kharar tehsildars of indulging in “corrupt practices”, the MLA has again ruffled ...
MLA Anmol Gagan Mann said as per the revised plan, the new building would have modular labs, an athletics track, a volleyball court, a badminton court, and signage, besides the completion of other ...