such as Agilent’s single quadrupole mass spectrometer. Inlet devices for the 7820A GC allow analysis of liquid, gas, volatile, and solid samples. Software keyboard and display allows the user to ...
Agilent 7820A GC 拥有安捷伦气相色谱系统提供的公认的可靠性,大大简化了操作。它对于采用标准气相色谱方法进行常规分析的小型到中型实验室来说是超值的高质量气相色谱系统。7820 能够**限度延长正常运行时间,减少维护需求,降低复杂程度,使您的投资尽快 ...
There are two gas chromatography (GC) systems in the laboratory. The Agilent 6890 Series Gas Chromatography System uses an electron capture detector (ECD) to quantify analytes, and the Agilent 7890A ...