Ladies and gentlemen, boys, and girls, welcome to the Fantastic World of the Portuguese Sardine! Here, the sea becomes the illustrious master of ceremonies of a fascinating variety …
Ladies and gentlemen, boys, and girls, welcome to the Fantastic World of the Portuguese Sardine! Here, the sea becomes the illustrious master of ceremonies of a fascinating variety performance, where both artists and audience, from the most noble to the most popular, share the stage to celebrate their grandiosity and generosity. And that of whom uses their hands, both humble and skillful, to perform feats of flavour acrobatics. Dreamed by Comur, an 80-year-old factory in the north regional of Portugal, the Fantastic World of the Portuguese Sardine is the stage where the world comes together to perform a challenging balancing act that is only achievable by the persevering few: travelling through history and Portuguese tradition on artisanal