The Rejuvenation Station (TRS) is a family business that grew out of a passion for lifting other entrepreneurs higher! Jan Luther created TRS in 2001 as her Spiritual Life Skills and Business Coaching …
The Rejuvenation Station (TRS) is a family business that grew out of a passion for lifting other entrepreneurs higher! Jan Luther created TRS in 2001 as her Spiritual Life Skills and Business Coaching business using EFT to help people blow away their mental, emotional and spiritual blocks to love, health and success.. Jan Luther is one of nine U.S. EFT Founding Master practitioners, the author of Grief Is...Mourning Sickness ( ) co-author of Mastering the Art of Success ( ) with Jack Canfield, and a Trauma, Loss & Change Expert. She is also an AAMET Certfied Trainer of Trainers, Ordained Minister and Life Skills Coach.
The number of sessions needed varies with each person. Until you talk with Jan, she can’t be sure how deeply rooted your current challenge is so it would...