    • Organic Extraction - Improve RNA Isolation by RNA

      赞助Achieve rapid isolation and purification of genomic and plasmid DNA. Buy Now. Extract high-quality DNA w/ excellent reproducibility for molecular biology experiments.

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      Types: KingFisher™, TRIzol, Dynabeads, Invitrogen™, BindIt, MagMAX, HulaMixer®
    • RNA Isolation Reagent - PurezolTM RNA Isolation

      赞助Bio-Rad is a Leading Global Provider of Life Science Instruments, Consumables, & Content. Shop High-Quality Products for Gene Expression, Cell Biology, Science Education, and More.

      Quick Data Collection · Use 50% Fewer Cells · Discover New Targets · Publishable Results

    • RNA Isolation Kits | RNA Kit for qPCR

      https://www.agilent.com › absolutely › total-rna
      赞助Agilent's kits Include all the reagents needed for DNA-free total RNA and miRNA isolation. Absolutely Total RNA purification kits are optimized for a specific range of sample sizes.

      Strengthen your research · Increase efficiency · Accurate reliable results

      Types: RNA FFPE purification kit, RNA purification kits, Absolutely RNA kits