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2400×1350time.com > But no amount of socially conscious window dressing can conceal that the real draw is always the killers,who so bankably appeal to our true-crime-addicted lizard brains. That’s not a problem unique to Murphy; it’s endemic to a genre fascinated by psychopathology,fueled by real people’s pain. What’s singularly disturbing about the queer-murderer shows is how closely the portraits they paint of their subjects have come to resemble one another,on a thematic level. The more of them we get,the stronger the message becomes that the formula for homicidal derangement is same-sex attraction + bad dad + broken society,a side of substance-abuse issues,sometimes a history of sexual abuse. And the easier it gets to internalize the misapprehension that the most salient thing these characters have in common is that they sleep men,not that they’re cold-blooded killers. Taken together the Halston,Capote shows (along no small number of characters in Murphy’s fictional series),the implication is that this specific form of difference predestines a person to loneliness,anger,misery,to killing or being killed,regardless of anything else that might be happening in their lives.